Saturday, November 26, 2011

let the trekking begin!

we had an amazing flight from kathmandu to pokhara today, only 25mins and very scenic. pokhara is lovely, much more chilled than crazy kathmandu!! our trek starts tomorrow for ten days (: we are all very excited, if a little nervous...

anyways, wish us luck! <3 maddieboe x

Friday, November 25, 2011


chezza&i are super excited about our new headwear :D

first hiccup...

as many of you know it was pretty much inevitable that I was gunna have a reaction sooner or later and last night was the first hit :P everyone is fine now and I only had to take polaramine (no epipen) and dad&chels got me some ice cream back at the hotel which was lovely (: anyways just letting y'all know what's happening... we are heading to pokhara today, 25 mins on a plane beats the 7 hour dodgy bus trip we had to go on in '09 any day! will update in pokhara (: <3 maddie xx


sick tee!


so excite!


our fave chef cooking some butter naan - YUM!

us three girls exploring the streets at night!


sitting outside the Tibet guest house (:

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Tibet guest house

watch out for that tiger!!


my fave restaurant in nepal!!

plane trip (:

bangkok to kathmandu was only about 3 hours which was nice, chels and I watched movies on dads iPad (: I got lunch first cause im the allergy kid (:

Bangkok hotel

quick brekky in Bangkok (:

Kathmandu (:

WOOHOO!! We have finally arrived in Nepal :D after a pretty smooth trip we arrived at our hotel this arvo and had a quick nap before going out to explore the streets! I found my two fave places to eat (hot breads and loumbinis) and we ate dinner at loumbinis (: all feeling a bit jet lagged I think but looking forward to another day in this beautiful city! missing you all like crazy <3 maddieboe xx

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


we are almost boarding our flight from bangkok to kathmandu now (: the hotel we stayed in was nicee but the beds were rock hard!! mum recckons its good practice...
m&d abandoned chels&I at the plane last night!! they jumped on the bus straight after getting off the plane and chels&I waited and waited and waited for them to meet us to catch the bus together but they had already left us! aannnyyywwwaaayyysssss, we will be in nepal about 3pm aus time today :D i will try and upload some photos there (:

bye for now <3 maddieboe xx

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


hi all (: we are madly packing for our first flight this afternoon. the plan is to update this with our stories & photos as often as possibly along the way. missing you all already!
ENJOY! <3 maddieboe x