Tuesday, January 17, 2012

a bit late, but... åre in sweden!!

beautiful view on the slopes (:

me in my borrowed ski gear

dad&i in the snow
chels ready to go skiing

me, chels, miriam, andrea & astrid
our fridge :D
its snowing baby!
fam shot (:

skywalk in auckland! 192m above the ground (:

awesome view!
me leaning over the 1.2m wide platform, 192m above the ground
chels leaning off the auckland sky tower
dad leaning

san fran!

awesome acrobatics!!
pretty damn impressive
he is hand-standing on his little sisters stomach!
the human pretzel
"i know what you are all thinking... and the answer is no!!"
yum (:
my kombi <3
peace out
our favourite store in the US!

day trip to cenote ikil (the sinkhole) and chichen itza (the ruins)

stretching our legs on the way to cenote ikil
the 'decapitation game' court
its so tiny!!
chichen itza!
chels jumping
me jumping
me jumping
chels jumping

just chillin'


lying on a beach in mexico, where i hang my hammock is my home #coffejarslide
flying foxes (:
trying to hang on...
dad jumping
chels jumping (& no that guy isn't standing on her shoulders)
me jumping/falling
tubes in the mangroves (:
the floating bridge
how relaxing!