Sunday, December 25, 2011


Hi everyone - hope you all have a very Merry Christmas xxx Its difficult to get hold of anyone except if you have if you do, please add chezzaboe27. We celebrated Christmas last night in typical Norwegian fashion with Morten's family and it was very special! Maddie will post some photos when she gets a chance. ;)
Love to all - missing you but having an amazing time!
Ricki x

Friday, December 23, 2011

god jul!!

we are all very excited as Christmas is getting closer (: we went skiing on thursday (WOOHOO!! I will try to get some photos up asap) and helped set up the (REAL!) Christmas tree tonight. we also ate some traditional norwegian 'rice pudding' thing for dinner which was YUM!! I have so much more to write about but we have been super busy and I'm always so tired when we get home :P I will try to fill you all in on what I've missed very soon (:

oh and these biscuits are called 'pepperkake' and are a WAY yummier version of gingerbread that I have fallen in love with and chels&I made today. not surprisingly she was much better at decorating so these ones are hers (:

missing you all, especially as christmas gets closer!! much love xx

Friday, December 16, 2011

morten (& co) in horten

some pics of our adventures in horten (: the one of mum&dad standing next to a tree is a bit tricky to see but the trunk has E&M carved inside a love heart (nawww!!) and the one of me pulling a ridiculous face is just after a rain drop found its way inside all my layers of clothing :/

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

bathing elephants in Chitwan (:

100 rupees to get sprayed by a crazy elephant :D the thing was like a bucking bull - I lasted longer than Chelsea :P

more trek pics

us girls on the edge of a cliff (:

wenche&eugens view (:

the view from the house we are staying at in Horten (:


WOOHOO!!! we arrived in Norway yesterday afternoon (around 12:30pm on the 14th of December) and caught the train from Oslo to Hortern (dads home town). we were lucky enough to see it snowing most of the train ride!! dads relatives, Eugen & Anneta, picked us up and drove us to the house we are staying in (: Eugen & Wenche have the most gorgeous house near the bay in Hortern and we are super pleased to be staying with them. Chels & I are very excited to be meeting our rellies for the first time and can't wait to explore more (: I will try to upload some photos ASAP.
we are missing everyone very very much, lots of love Maddie & the rest xxxx

Friday, December 9, 2011

me, almost dead.

one day on trek I was feeling very sick and after taking almost double the estimated time to reach our tea house (seriously, I was almost dead) we FINALLY arrived and then I slept for about 5hours while the rest of the crew ate lunch, enjoyed the nearby hot springs and started on dinner.



some gorgeous views of the mountain ranges!

trekking (:

just a few pics from our trek in the annapurna range :D

Brokeback Ghorepani

dad and our porter who carried ALL OF OUR STUFF FOR THE TEN DAY TREK!! ALL OF IT!! also one of these photos is dad trying to carry the bag Dawa (our porter) carried - about 50kg

monsoon bar&grill/PIZZAPIZZAPIZZA

us Boes chilling on the rooftop of a restaurant in pokhara. I took the fam back after living it so much last time (:

me&my kid

our hotel in pokhara

namaste pokhara (: