Friday, December 9, 2011

me, almost dead.

one day on trek I was feeling very sick and after taking almost double the estimated time to reach our tea house (seriously, I was almost dead) we FINALLY arrived and then I slept for about 5hours while the rest of the crew ate lunch, enjoyed the nearby hot springs and started on dinner.


  1. Great photos Maddie - looks fantastic and you all look well. xxx

  2. thanks nanna pat (: we are enjoying ourselves so much!! we leave Nepal for Norway one the 12th (: missing you all xx

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA. Hi Chels, I thought I'd send this today as I'm not sure of the time differences. I'll try your phone in the morning but if I can't get through have an excellent day - what an exciting place to celebrate your birthday, you won't forget this one!
    lots of love, Nanna Pat

  4. It's actually December 14 here in Perth - not 10pm on the 13th as shown - so that tells me something about the time differences! therefore I should be wishing you a happy birthday for the day after tomorrow (ie. 15th in Nepal and 16th here!!!) xxx
